From the first brick to the last detail

Rough construction, finishing works, repairs and construction design of homes and offices in Plovdiv
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Over 20 years of experience in construction

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About us

We are building the modern future of the cities in Bulgaria

About us About us

Primebuild was created by engineers with more than 20 years of experience in the construction industry. We have a team of well-established professionalists and a full range of construction and machine equipment. We have built an affinity for non-traditional projects and modern solutions. We know how to build an architectural bestseller. We love challenges and we are not afraid to experiment with innovative materials.
We know you are dreaming about a secure home or a creative, multifunctional work environment.
Trust us. We will not compromise your dreams and projects.

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Rough construction, finishing works, repairs and construction design of homes and offices in Plovdiv

Rough construction

Rough construction

Building construction, surrounding walls, roofs and more ...
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Rough construction

Finishing works

Finishing works

Partition walls, linings, suspended ceilings, flooring, plastering, painting and more...
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Finishing works



Ремонт на покриви, външна и вътрешна изолация, шпакловане и боядисване
Научи повече


Why should you chose us

We provide space for your business to grow. We make people's dreams for own home come true.

Primebuild's mission is to build perfection. We help our clients to achieve their goals and complete their projects on time and without the need for additional supervision. In our face you will find a trusted partner, because we always stive our work to be a mirror of your needs. We are carefully evaluating from budget, through cost, to work efficiency. We derive knowledge from the past and inspiration from the future.

20 years of construction experience
Budget-conscious prices
Innovative materials and solutions
A trusted partner now and in the future
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Completed projects

Finishing works for an office in Plovdiv

We built an office space (Open space) with an area of 303 sq.m. for Adastra

Изграждане на къща в Коматево РЗП 343 кв.м

Строеж на къща в с. Коматево

Преработка на офис пространство

Преработка на офис пространство (Open space) с площ 220 кв.м. на фирма СКЕЙЛ ФОКУС

Офис в Пловдив

Довършителни дейности в офис в Пловдив

Our achievements

completed projects
years of experience
cities in Bulgaria
Our achievements
инж. Петър Петров
Опитни професионалисти, лека комуникация и отлични резултати. Наистина изпипват до последния детайл.

Contact us

0887 99 59 57

Kichevo 3 str., 4030 Plovdiv